Icefall's Observatory
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From: Dissius1 | Posted: 7/26/00 10:26:13 PM
Dissius nervously moves from his tree and moves to another

*I don't like this one bit. Too many people showing up so fast. This might get rough.*

Dissius tightly grips the hilt of his sword.
"Rioyoki!! I didn't mean you! I was yelling at Ryoko not you!! Wait!"-- Tenchi
From: ooger | Posted: 7/26/00 10:33:00 PM
<ooger graps his staff>

heh, is this all a dream?.... am i going crazy from the DSM's.... or could this be another part of the DSM's torcher....

<ooger then starts to fell a little dizzy>

if so ... then i'm, still in thier chambers.... i must make the hurting stop......

<ooger then fells a sharp pain in his right side of his skull, forceing him to drop to his knees in pain>
ooger:one and only King of eating stuff and offcial mage of the kirby clan--
From: Icefall | Posted: 7/26/00 11:21:28 PM
Icefall looks around at all of the people in the camp circle, most of whom look irritated and anxious. She returns her gaze to the man before her.

I do not know what power it is that you offer, but I can not accept it. All things come at a price, including power. The dark Solar Mages are too power hungry and this will lead to their end. I was to accept your offer, I would be no better than them. We can accomplish what we need to do with the skills we already have. Thank you for your offer, sir, but I can not accept it. I hope you understand.
From: MiraiOtaku | Posted: 7/27/00 12:49:23 AM
*walks over to the camp, and his glaive turns into a small dark purple pen with a star on one end*

Good choice, Icefall.
Human stupidity is going to blow up in everyone's faces someday.-Me,7/26/00
From: Ice Wind | Posted: 7/27/00 4:40:26 AM
*remembers the first day this topic was created*

I hope I'm not disturbing the flow or anything, just got a little nostalgic seeing it still alive and kicking.
"The fate of GameFAQ's sanity was determined when a board called 'Current Events' appeared." -Ice Wind
From: Secret Asian Man | Posted: 7/27/00 4:41:34 AM
(The dark knight stepped back and lowered his spear.)

"As I suspected, you've passed the test. You've resisted temptation to recieve great power. A true warrior knows that the power they need is already within them." He said. "Had you taken up on my offer, you would've died from exessive power. Icefall, you've proven yourself worthy of our assistance. Gungnir and I are more than happy to assist you in battle."

Just as the dark knight finished his sentence, Mirai Otaku stabbed him from behind. Apparently, he didn't noticed his attacker was behind him.

"S-so, you...know the art of...illusionary magic... fool..."
With his last word, the dark knight fell to the ground.
"Desire brings suffering, and suffering brings desire. Until you learn to resist desire, you are doomed to eternal suffering"--Buddhist philosophy
From: Angelblade | Posted: 7/27/00 5:32:49 AM
chronetic lock

-Those who were in the vicinity of the Icefall Observatory and were unaeffected by the time freeze spell would have noticed a spark of light beggining to form before the front gates of the structure-
- The spark grows in size and intensity, and quite suddenly a beam of wonderous lumination appears emminates from the spark up into the sky. Or was it from the sky into the spark. No matter, for as suddenly as the beam appears, it and the spark fade away just as violently-
-In it's place stands a roughly humanoid globule that makes it way to the front gates. The globule makes it way to the structure weaving between hordes of Journeymen frozen in time. As it moves the globule takes in a a more human like shape until at last when it reaches the gate, the sillouhette of a female figure, atheletic body, youthful shape, can be seen standing before it, a silky blue gown flowing in the wind -

Female Figure:(Examining the doors)
Hmmm......magnificent seal, excellent work, the mage is quite advanced Ramethus

-As the female figure effortlessly glides through the sealed doors, a male figure of equal shape and youth emerges on the opposite side of the entrance wearing a blood red tunic and matching pants-

Ramethus: Yes she is Sefiny, she'd have to be to survive that scry she performed.

-As the male figure travereses the main hall of the observatory it beings to dissolve and starts glowing until only a human shaped light form stands-

Ramethus-Sefiny:(Seeing a woman frozen on the upstair loft)
Hmmm....ah......Cynthia..there she is.

-The light form makes it way to the top of the observatory tower and Ramthus finally steps to the top-
-He brushes his shoulder length snow white hair from his eyes, and whistfully waves his hand in and arc in front of him-

sovereign strike

-At that moment all the Journeymen frozen below him, the Orcs in the far away mountains and the Dark Solar Mages also frozen in time, vanish and cease to exist-
-The midnight black hair framed face of now Sefiny looks wishfuly across the still land-

Sefiny: If only it were that easy Ramethus, you know we can't
Ramethus: Yeah, I know

-With that, Sefiny regretfully, almost sadly points her index finger outward and brings up her up-faced palm-

errant judgement

-With that all the Journeymen and Orcs and DSMs return to their original positions, still frozen in time

Ramethus: We should make ourselevs known to her now
Sefiny: Agreed

third eye, souler focus

-If time were not frozen one could have noticed a blur or red and blue streak acroos the sky and unbelievable speed toward Terferi's camp
-The concentrations of Ramethus and Sefiny enter Icefall's Mind's Eye while she is sitting among a group of people, surprisingly a DSM is among the frozen crowd

(Seen by the mind's eye)
Ramethus-Sefiny: Hello not be alarmed, we will not harm you.
Sefiny: I am Sefiny
Ramethus: I am Ramethus
R-S: We are the binary systems of Juniramtehus-Sefinyutter. Of course as you already well know we are better known together as the Northern Star.
Faye Wong
-No Regrets-
From: Angelblade | Posted: 7/27/00 5:33:51 AM
R-S: We are here to see you and currently physically in your Observatory. We have been watching you since our bretren first began shifting. Your refusal of the unknown power only goes to further prove your true heart. We would have decended regardless, but the show of purity hastened our journey.

Ramethus: We would gladly help you defeat these Dark Mages that have taken part in disturbing the natural home of our kind. However....
Sefiny: cosmic law forbid us from interfering with the lives and fates of mages and mortals. Making our presence here may already...
R-S: be too much. Interference is akin to......nay.....forgive us child......
Sefiny: It is not your place to know of what crimes a Star may be capable of.
Ramethus: Please forgive us for burdening you with such...such dangerour nonsense.

R-S: Since we have already stepped step over the bounds, we might as well accomplsh what we come to to.
Ramethus: That is to warn you child, the road ahead is treacherous and the Dark Mages are formidable foes. They are....
Sefiny: however, not your true enemies. Do you truly believe that such mages, SOLAR mages at that ,are...
Ramethus: able to move the star in the heavens with such force as to nearly cause the dislodgement of myself..
Sefiny: and my partner. No my dear, such power stems from a much greater Source, greater than the mages or any corporation can muster...
Ramethus: It is this Source that you must eventually face.....eventually. There is a long path ahead in which you must fin your way. For now though you have more urgent matters at....
Sefiny: hand, that of the Dark Solar Mages, by whom if you are defeated, well then that Source would no longer matter.
R-S: Your company here, this Dark Solar Mage claiming friendship, the one who carries the spear, the one known as Talix and Dissius, and the others, we know of their true intentions. We know which are true of heart, and which are treacherous..Sefiny: Yes my dear there is treachery among you...
Ramethus: Unfortunately we canst tell you who is which. The testament of your future journey and your fate's destination
Sefiny: has been made to you since it it your destiny and know it is not considered interfering.
R-S: However, identifying the treacherous one(s) will very much affect your immediate actions and that is not allowed. Other than this, we have come to simply observe and will have no hand in your struggles, positive or otherwise.
Ramethus: We wish you the best of luck child...
Sefiny: and offer these gifts to you to aid in your journey, though techni..
Ramethus:..cally is interference, the law does allow for small grants to turn the favors.

Ramethus: This is angel It is nothing more than a spell for clarity of mind. Use it find your true way when your are lost child.
Sefiny: This, my precious one, is a Seraphim's Chalice. It will hold your pains, your fears or your hopes if you choose to, and will contain them as so not to distract your needed attention.
R-S: Lastly we offer you power sink it is a one time use spell that will focus the energies of the Northern Star for you to feed into the spell of your choosing. Use this at a most oppurtune time, but use it wisely and carefully as such power is not so easily commanded.

R-S: The gifts are yours, whether you decide to use them is your choice as is your desicion to tell what we have spoken to your fellow travellers.

Sefiny: We will return to your Observatory and watch you from there.
Ramethus: You will still at the same time find us in the night sky to draw power from....
Sefiny: So worry not dear one....
Ramethus: Safe journey child....
Faye Wong
-No Regrets-
From: Angelblade | Posted: 7/27/00 5:51:21 AM
-With that R-S return to their physcial form still at Icefall's observatory

Ramethus: Well let's go and give Cynthia some company
Sefiny: Hope we don't surprise her too much....

-The blue clad woman makes her way downstairs. As the now red clad man reaches the loft and see Cynthia still frozen-

third eye, view scene omnicient

-With that a light appears infront of the two figures of Cynthia and Ramethus-Sefiny. As the light dims an image showing Terferi's camp with Icefall and company still frozen in time, one traveller standing over a fallen man, dagger in hand-

R-S: This looks interesting. Oops, almost forgot...

temporal key

- WIth that time returns to normal-

Ramtehus: Hi Cynthia, how....
Sefiny: have you been, not too bored...
R-S: We hope.
Faye Wong
-No Regrets-
From: Salamander from HECK | Posted: 7/27/00 6:19:22 AM
Tanzof, I'd like you to meet Dissius! I new friend of mine....

'Good to meet you, Dissius!'

Oh, and this is Icefall.... who I think still hasn't met Atalanta... oh well......

'G'day, good lady Icefall!'

Where's Loup, Dissius? I want Tanzof to meet him! But he hasn't been around.... Oh well..... And this is one of our proublems... a Dark Solar Mage......

'A DARK SOLAR MAGE!?!? DIE!!!!!!'' Tanzof takes his war hammer and uses his magic to project a beam from the end of it at the DSM.

No!!!! Wait!


He wants to help us!

'Oh, sorry....'
"I am Sammy, the Hell Hound! HAHAHAHA!" *light blinds everyone and gives them seizures!* HAHAHA! (check out quote now.)
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