Icefall's Observatory
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From: Kaeden | Posted: 6/25/00 12:19:33 AM
Kaeden: "Certainly." <Kaeden kneels down in front of Icefall and hands her his small canteen.>
Silent Astronomer/Astrologist of the SoI.
Finally I am no longer a novice. My power is beginning to grow.
From: Icefall | Posted: 6/25/00 12:52:25 AM
Icefall takes a few sips and then gives the canteen back to Kaeden.

Thank you.

She starts to stand up.

We can't let them get any further ahead than they already are. Come on, lets go.

Icefall takes a long stick and leans on it as she begins to walk towards the mountain.
From: Kaeden | Posted: 6/25/00 1:08:03 AM
<Kaeden begins walking alongside Icefall, slowing down occasionally to help Icefall keep pace.>
Silent Astronomer/Astrologist of the SoI.
Finally I am no longer a novice. My power is beginning to grow.
From: Icefall | Posted: 6/25/00 1:17:05 AM
Icefall looks at her friend, smiles, and then looks down at the ground while walking.

I hope that the mountain terrain isn't too teribly hard to climb. I know that I'm slowing us down a lot as is.
From: Kaeden | Posted: 6/25/00 1:35:56 AM
Kaeden: "Hopefully it will not be hard to cross this mountain. But, even if it is, you should be able to recover your strength soon."
Silent Astronomer/Astrologist of the SoI.
Finally I am no longer a novice. My power is beginning to grow.
From: Icefall | Posted: 6/25/00 2:25:37 AM
Icefall looks back up at Kaeden.

You are right. I just need some time to recover my strength.

She picks some berries as they walk along and snacks on them.
From: Kaeden | Posted: 6/25/00 10:17:06 AM
<Kaeden nods to Icefall, and continues walking up through the mountainous terrain.>
Silent Astronomer/Astrologist of the SoI.
Finally I am no longer a novice. My power is beginning to grow.
From: Dissius1 | Posted: 6/25/00 5:29:33 PM
A cloaked figure appears behind them and begins to walk forward
"Ho! Strangers what brings you to these mountans? Excuse me for being rude, my name is Dissius, what are yours?"
"Death is always with me, but only those looking for Death find him"
From: Salamander from HECK | Posted: 6/25/00 5:48:26 PM
Suddenly, as if out of thin air, a a man in a hooded white cloak appears riding on a blue hoarse.

"Who have we here?" says he pushing aside Dissius, "Oh, I'm the Lord Talix, why have you come here?" he finishes, dismounting his hoarse.
"I am here today on account that I have to go... WEE-WEE! Pee, I have to Pee!"- The President
From: Icefall | Posted: 6/25/00 5:55:40 PM
Icefall carefully turns around, so as not to lose footing on the rocky terrain. She carefully eyes the two strangers.

My name is Icefall. I am currently on important business, which has to do with saving the lives of many people. Now if you will excuse me...

She turns around and resumes her climb up the mountain pathway.
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