Icefall's Observatory
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From: Reaper77 | Posted: 7/19/00 7:36:03 PM
You will regret that!

*A swirl of dust surounds MO, sudenly MO is held within the crystal ball*

I am more powerful than you think! If you want out you will have to learn that all things are connected to each other. You will respect that.

*Waves hand in direction of crystal ball and MO appears standing back in original spot*

I grant you freedom since this is a mission of peace.
He that does good shall have good done unto him, he that does evil shall have evil done unto him, he that walketh the line shall be beat up by both sides.
From: BigFatGaw | Posted: 7/19/00 7:38:55 PM
This gives me an idea for another RPG law...
"He will bring them death, and they will love him for it." - Gladiator
From: wayneo | Posted: 7/19/00 7:45:05 PM
I'm going to sacrifice my charecter, and kill him off because there are simply too many people in this RPG right now. I wouldn't want to think that my intrusion would hurt this RPG in any way. I will still read it, but I don't want to hurt this great story in any way by including myself in it. I will kill him off at the next chance.
Poop Occurs -Wayneold
From: Salamander from HECK | Posted: 7/19/00 7:54:02 PM
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From: Salamander from HECK | Posted: 7/19/00 7:54:56 PM
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From: Spitfire XL | Posted: 7/19/00 9:21:10 PM
just don't get, do you reaper...
Demo expert of the RPD, laid back ninja of Rakuyo Gakuen.
From: Icefall | Posted: 7/19/00 10:50:59 PM
Icefall watches the dark solar mage sharpen his weapon.

Have you decided to leave them for good, or just until the whole star movement is stopped?

While talking to the dark one, Icefall thinks back to some of the things she told Kaeden about the Solar Split and those who joined the dark ones.
From: MiraiOtaku | Posted: 7/19/00 11:13:21 PM
*looks up*

For good. Some of those guys are extremely...weird.
Detective of RPD, Weilder of Murasame
From: Icefall | Posted: 7/19/00 11:51:17 PM
You mentioned Marasume before. Is that the name of your weapon? You said it had been with the dark ones longer than you had yourself.
From: MiraiOtaku | Posted: 7/19/00 11:54:28 PM
*the sword floats into the air infront of him*

Yes, my name is Murasame. I was created by the the Dark Solar Mages. MiraiOtaku stole me, but I don't mind. Sitting around in an armory is very boring.
Detective of RPD, Weilder of Murasame
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