Icefall's Observatory
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From: Icefall | Posted: 6/3/00 12:16:30 AM
Yes...there is always hope. The dark ones can not move the Northern Star, at least not yet. That is how I was still able to perform the scrying, even with the other stars where they are now.

Icefall looks out at the darkened countryside as she speaks.

So they wish to weaken the star mages first? Well it makes sense since without us, the Solar Split would probably still be raging on today. Unfortunately, there are not as many of us as there used to be. But there is still hope that we will win. I will not let that die. I will not allow the dark ones to take control of anything.
From: Kaeden | Posted: 6/3/00 12:32:40 AM
<Kaeden puts his head in his hands.>
Kaeden: "We would have a great advantage over them if I could bring my fellow Moon Mages into the war... But I doubt the guildmaster Kssarh would let me do that again. I was on thin ice the first time, when I called them to aid the retaking of the RI castle from the demons... Kssarh was already bothered enough that I wanted him to allow me to hop back and forth between Elanthia and Earth like a ping pong ball..."
Silent Astronomer/Astrologist of the SoI.
As of now, I am but a student. But in the future...
From: Icefall | Posted: 6/3/00 1:06:22 AM
I would never ask of you to do something that would harm your people. Enough have died already as will more. Hopefully the blood shed will not be from our side...

Icefall lets the sentence trail as Nalyr returns and takes perch on her outstreached right arm. The white owl gently brushes Icefall's wounded hand with a wing before looking at her.

Light wings you have, my friend. I am glad that you were able to journey quickly.
From: Kaeden | Posted: 6/3/00 1:09:58 AM
Kaeden: "So... What message have the light mages give your owl?"
Silent Astronomer/Astrologist of the SoI.
As of now, I am but a student. But in the future...
From: Kaeden | Posted: 6/3/00 1:19:02 AM
<Kaeden hears a voice in his head.> (Kssarh: "So, have you finished your business on this blasted planet, already? If not, I can just leave you here tonight!" Kaeden: "Blast... Well then, I shall have to tell her goodbye." Kssarh: "Well then hurry up and do it!") <Kaeden grumbles.>
Kaeden: "I wish I could stay here and talk with you, but I must be going now..." <Kaeden waves and slowly walks out of the observatory.> (Kssarh: "Hurry up already! Don't make me say it again!" Kaeden: "Yes, guildmaster Kssarh....") <Kaeden grumbles and speeds his pace a bit, but not without looking back to the observatory one last time, sighing, and walking away.>
Silent Astronomer/Astrologist of the SoI.
As of now, I am but a student. But in the future...
From: Icefall | Posted: 6/3/00 1:32:49 AM
Naylr begins a long string of hoots and other sounds for a minute or so. After finishing, Icefall looks oddly at the bird.

No signs at all? Their most recent camp was abandoned? Did they leave any notes or signs of where they are now?

The owl gives a few sounds in reply and then leaps off of Icefall's arm and onto the tower railing.

Well, Kaeden, it doesn't look good. After the Split, the light mages became somewhat nomadic, moving from camp to camp. With them they had a small handfull of full star mages and a few journeymen level mages.

Naylr found a note written in the hand of a fellow star mage I know, stating that the journeymen began to act oddly around the time the stars shifted. Some commited suicide, while others went on a killing spree. Obviously they were still untrained and weak to the sway of the stars. The five senior star mages were unaffected. The solar mages and senior star mages quickly left the journeymen and moved on to another site, which was left unstated in the note. They also know that the stars are awry, but none of them dared a star scrying since most of them do not know how or were afraid to.
From: Icefall | Posted: 6/3/00 11:54:00 AM
Icefall watches Kaeden leave the observatory and walk off into the distance.

I hope that you will be able to come back soon, Kaeden.

Naylr gives a hoot and gains Icefall's attention. She grins and hands the owl a treat.

Yes, yes. You deserved this.

Icefall takes a seat again in one of the chairs and watches the night begin to fade away into daylight.
From: Icefall | Posted: 6/3/00 11:05:29 PM
As the sun begins to touch the horizon, Icefall stands up and walks over to Nalyr.

Thank you for all of your help. With the rogue journeymen out there though, I suggest that you have your family move here to the tower for a while. You know I set up the sanctuary here for you in case of times like these. You should all fit in there okay.

Nalyr bobs his head and then flys off to gather his family.

Good thing the babies leared to fly not too long ago.

Icefall heads back inside to treat her wounded hand just as some of the numbing spell begins to fade.

I don't think that I'll do a scry spell like that agian for a long time. Hopefully next time I won't have to build my own star just to get a response from the Northern Star.
From: Icefall | Posted: 6/4/00 6:40:50 PM
Icefall looks out of her telescope while rubbing her once broken hand. Two days have past since she did her star scrying. After regaining some strength, she was able to heal herself, leaving only a small bruise behind. Piles of notes and maps lay scattered on the floor and table by the telescope. Icefall continues to mark any movements by the stars and keep track of them.
From: Kaeden | Posted: 6/4/00 11:29:06 PM
<Kaeden walks up, muttering curses.>
Kaeden: "Damn that Kssarh... He really drilled me this time. At least I had enough time to visit Icefall again." <Kaeden walks into the observatory, and looks around for Icefall. He heads up towards the roof.>
Silent Astronomer/Astrologist of the SoI.
As of now, I am but a student. But in the future...
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