Icefall's Observatory |
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From: Icefall | Posted: 6/6/00 1:45:40 AM |
Icefall continues to watch the spell grow and gain power as she feeds Kaeden more mana. |
From: Kaeden | Posted: 6/6/00 1:54:20 AM |
<Kaeden grows fully confident that the spell has plenty of mana to locate the person. He begins to chant the spell.> Kaeden: "All seeing, all knowing moon.... Show me where thy light last shone apon Teferi Wystan..." <The spell stops growing, and slowly begins to shrink, as his vision begins to head away from the observatory... It heads to the southeast. It flies through tree spotted hills, a plateau, and a large forest, and finally settles on a large plain with several tents, a temporary camp. It begins to zoom in, when the spell is nearly gone. His vision grows very blurry, then reverts back to his normal sight. Kaeden takes a deep breath.> Kaeden: "Teferi Wystan is about 43 miles southeast, in a temporary camp. It goes through several hills, plateaus, a large forest, and ends in a large plain, where they are camped." --- Silent Astronomer/Astrologist of the SoI. As of now, I am but a student. But in the future... |
From: Mew 13 | Posted: 6/6/00 1:57:26 AM |
*Cynthia finds that the stars are out of wack.* I must get to the observertory! *She runs to the observatory to notice that a strong pell is being cast and that it needs mana.* Oh dear! Some one must be trying to locate someone. * starts to slowly feed mana through to Icefall. while feeding it through she sends message that some journeymen have detected the spell and are headed this way* |
From: Icefall | Posted: 6/6/00 2:00:52 AM |
Icefall opens her eyes once the spell broke. She silently thanks Nalyr for his help and then nods to Kaeden. Thank you for your help. You must be exhausted from that spell. Do you want to go downstairs and have some tea? Icefall stands up and then offers a hand down to the mage. |
From: Kaeden | Posted: 6/6/00 2:03:25 AM |
<Kaeden slowly stands up, holding his head.> Kaeden: "Even with help, spells the size of that will give a novice a headache... Yes, I could appreciate some tea, thank you." <Kaeden slowly walks downstairs.> --- Silent Astronomer/Astrologist of the SoI. As of now, I am but a student. But in the future... |
From: Icefall | Posted: 6/6/00 2:09:15 AM |
Once downstairs, Icefall begins to brew some tea on a small stove set by her desk in the library. While the tea prepares, she begins to light a few candles throughout the room instead of turning on the harsher electric lights. I hope that your headache isn't too bad. Icefall gives Kaeden a warm smile. Thank you for your help today. Once I'm rested, I can begin to head off and find Teferi. |
From: Mew 13 | Posted: 6/6/00 2:12:24 AM |
*stops feeding mana through and runs up to Icefall* Icefall did you get my message!!!! If we want to keep this place I sugest we close the doors before they get here!!! *finds Kadean and Icefall having tea* Come on!!! they have killed everything in sight and almost killed me!!!!!!(luckily I had the insight to teleport away) |
From: Kaeden | Posted: 6/6/00 2:18:14 AM |
<Kaeden returns Icefall's warm smile, but then gets a startled look on his face as Mew bursts through the door.> Kaeden: "Hmm? The Journeymen are coming?" --- Silent Astronomer/Astrologist of the SoI. As of now, I am but a student. But in the future... |
From: Icefall | Posted: 6/6/00 2:24:43 AM |
Icefall carfully studies the newcomer and then sighs. I knew that eventually they would find this place. It isnt very far from where the solar mages' last camp was. They were camped about 20 miles from here. Icefall looks to the stranger. What is your name? You should probably take shelter here for now. There are a few spare rooms in the basement for emergencies like this. If you saw any travelers on the road outside, I suggest that you go and bring them here as well. Icefall takes out a third cup and pours tea for the three of them. |
From: Mew 13 | Posted: 6/6/00 2:34:24 AM |
Thank you! *hears the sound of wild yelling in backround* I don't think there's any left. After all they are on my heels. *cringes at the thought of what happened* I think that I can move one of the stars to the normal position with my psychic powers alone but I will need help and I don't think it would stay there very long. *goes to a cot and starts to meditate* |
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