Icefall's Observatory |
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From: Puck | Posted: 5/15/00 3:58:30 AM |
*Puck enters the large building and takes in the surroundings. He then heads towards the planetarium, with credits in hand. Puck drops them into the slot, and a click can be heard as the door unlocks. Opening it, he enters the room and takes a seat. The door silently shuts behind him and the lights dim, as a preprogrammed presentation begins. A recorded voice tells about the constallations while a laser points them out* (mutters to self)Spiffy set up she's got here. --- "To be a beast, instincts are enough. But to be human, one must be a philosopher." -Dogbrick, 'The Dark Shore' |
From: Icefall | Posted: 5/16/00 10:41:44 PM |
Icefall rubs her eyes and leaves her work at the telescope for a while. She climbs up the stairs to the top of the tower. Alone and outside, Icefall revels in the beauty of the night and the silence. A cool wind whips her hair around and then quickly dies. Icefall walks over to the edge of the tower and looks down over the railing at the dark landscape. Shadows of trees and mountains can be seen far off. She then holds out her arm a makes a whistle with her other hand then waits. After a few minutes, the heavy sound of wings can be heard as a large white owl descends and lands upon her arm. She grunts under its weight, but continues to hold it up. Its sharp talons dig into her unprotected arm, but doesn't peirce the skin. Icefall begins to scratch the creature behind an ear as it coos and hoots. My good friend, I'm glad to see you too. How is your hunt? The owl hoots in reply and Icefall nods. I am glad to hear of that. She gently lifts her weighted arm up, and the owl leaps to the tower railway to stand. Icefall pulls out some food pellets and feeds them to her friend by hand. Well I must get back to my work now. I am happy that you were able to visit. Maybe next time you'll let me see your children again? The owl hoots and Icefall grins. Okay then. I'll be here when you are ready. The owl hoots in farewell and then takes off into the inky black sky. Icefall watches her friend leave and then heads back to the library to write down more of her sky observations. |
From: CyricZ | Posted: 5/16/00 11:01:45 PM |
*Cyric lies on the grass, gazing at the stars, outside the observatory. He could go inside, but he prefers the natural majesty of the outdoors.* *Cyric watches an owl as it flies into, and soon out of, the observatory. He wonders if he should tell Icefall she has an owl nest in her observatory...* *He wonders if she's asleep yet. Perhaps he should visit her.* *That would require him to get up, of course...* --- CyricZ - Hug Justice Elite of the CoS "Authorities don't know Shinola from the other stuff" |
From: Magus | Posted: 5/17/00 3:03:03 PM |
*Walks into the observatory* Ahh...this is a nice quite place. Much unlike everywhere else around it. *walks into the libary and begins to search the bookshelf for a book on black holes....* --- Magus: Weapons Expert "I am the man who will cut off your nose"--Rikamaru, Tenchu 2 |
From: Puck | Posted: 5/17/00 8:51:48 PM |
*the half hour long planetarium show ends and the lights brighten in the room. A soft click gives note to the door unlocking, letting more light from the outter room. Puck stands, stretches, and then walks out of the medium sized room.* Those chairs in there are really comfortable. The show was definitely worth the money. *Puck wanders around looking into the other rooms for a while and then leaves* --- "To be a beast, instincts are enough. But to be human, one must be a philosopher." -Dogbrick, 'The Dark Shore' |
From: Icefall | Posted: 5/19/00 1:29:42 AM |
In the study/library, Icefall gets up from her desk and walks over to the fireplace mantle where various odd objects rest. She takes down a small crystal sphere and returns to her seat. Dimming the lights in the room with a switch by her desk, Icefall half closes her eyes and begins to concentrate. She allows energy to flow through her body and into the crystal resting in her open palm. The crystal begins to vibrate lightly as a set of stars appears on the ceiling of the room. Icefall opens her eyes fully and with her free hand, pulls a star map onto her desk. She traces a constallation on the map with her finger and then looks up at the stars on the ceiling. Frowning, she pulls a different map onto her desk and changes the set of stars shown by the crystal. She does this a few times before sighing and closing her hand around the crystal. Icefall returns the lights to their proper adjustment and places the crystal back on its shelf. This is not good. Not good at all. But what does it mean? Shaking her head, Icefall begins to pull out various history books in hopes of finding out what is going on. |
From: Icefall | Posted: 5/20/00 11:43:01 PM |
After hours of staring at volumes of text in ancient languages, Icefall still remains clueless about what she had seen. None of the books contain the information she needs. Frustrated and weary, she leaves the library and heads outside. The dark night sky welcomes her, but she is only able to think about her problems instead of enjoying the starlit space above. Icefall walks off a ways from the observatory to a hill nearby where she sits down on the slightly damp grass. A cool breeze passes by and plays with her long hair breifly. *sigh* I don't know what it all means, or what I can do. The stars are out of alignment and all of the constallations have changed overnight. It makes no sense at all. A hoot from above gains Icefall's attention as her friend circles around in the air. She smiles briefly as the owl lands next to her and begins to coo while she scratches its head. What does it mean? Do you know? The owl replies with some quick hoots and then flys off. I understand. I will wait here for you. Please come back soon. Icefall watches as the owl flys away. |
From: Icefall | Posted: 5/21/00 10:48:00 PM |
An hour passes before the owl returns to sit next to Icefall. It stares at her and gives a mixture of hoots and coos before falling into silence. Icefall nods reluctantly. No, I didn't think that you could find much better information than I could, Nalyr. Thank you for trying though. Looking up at the rearranged sky, she sighs. I don't know what it means. Should I be worried, or is this some natural occurance? But to happen overnight...that can not be totally natural. If only I could find someone with more information, who understood the stars like I do... Icefall sits up straight and looks at Nalyr. Maybe that mage, Kaeden, knows something or could help. Can you try to find him, Nalyr? Nalyr nods and then takes off into the air. Icefall meanwhile stands up and returns to the library inside the observatory. |
From: Icefall | Posted: 5/22/00 11:05:51 PM |
In the library, Icefall begins to straighten up her papers on her desk. Mentally, her mind is on Nalyr hopefully finding Kaeden. He said himself that he is only a student, but he may have seen a similar thing occur where he is from. I hope that he might have answers. |
From: ori olis | Posted: 5/22/00 11:07:45 PM |
*goes into the library* hey...Icefall, you wouldn't happen to have any books on magic right...I have pathetically little magic for an elf... --- resident elf of the SoI, Quaker of T&A |
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