Icefall's Observatory II |
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From: Icefall | Posted: 11/24/00 1:04:45 AM |
they move deeper in, Icefall slowly begins to notice it becoming harder to
hold on to reality and the thoughts in her mind. Icefall pauses in her
progress and begins to work hard to reaffirm her thoughts. I have to follow through with things. The rip has to be closed now before it can do anymore damage than it already has. May the Northern Star guide us. With things a little less muddled, she begins to move forward again. Suddenly, the image of an old book lies in front of her mind's eye. Icefall recognizes it as one of the history books back at her Observatory, one she had more recently obtained. The book, which Icefall had not had the time to finish reading, was about a variety of spells once used by the Star Mages of before Icefall's time. Most of the spells were only mentioned in what they did, not spcific incantations. The author of the book had said that many of the spells were lost due to lack of use because the spells were deemed by some to be more powerful than what was really necessary. Some of the more harmful spells were even erased from the minds of some as to protect them from themselves. How is a book of lost spells to help... A page seems to come sharply into focus in Icefall's mind. The page vaguely mentions a type of tethering or sealing spell called Strata's Strength. Am I to perform this spell? But I don't even know the words for it. That and the spell, i must not think about that. The greater good is what is important now, nothing else. |
From: Secret Asian Man | Posted: 11/24/00 9:25:26 PM |
(OOC: ''Chocobo Hot & Cold!'' * ''Vamo' Alla Flamenco'' plays* SAM is riding a chocobo through the Chocobo Forest. He and Choco are hunting for ''Chocographs.'' SAM: ''Find anything, Choco?'' Choco: ''Kweh.'' SAM: ''OK, keep looking.'' Choco continues searching. Choco: ''Kweh?'' SAM: ''Are we near something? We must be close.'' Choco searches carefully. Choco: ''Kweeeeeeh?!'' SAM: ''We must be really close!'' Choco: ''KWEEEEEEH!!!!'' SAM: ''Is it here, Choco?! OK, let's dig it up!'' Choco digs with its beak. ''Found Icefall's Observatory II!'' SAM: ''Whoo-hoo! Better revive this!) --- ''Jeez! Don't get yer balls in a knot!'' ~ fLiPcOoKiE ''I'm not! Don't get YOUR panties in a bundle!'' ~ SAM |
From: Icefall | Posted: 11/25/00 9:54:10 PM |
(OOC: kick) |
From: Secret Asian Man | Posted: 11/26/00 5:21:48 AM |
*Regrets ending his story early.* Damn, coulda delve into Valkyrie's dream, THEN end my chapter... Oh wells....) --- -6KB/s is pretty fast for a crappy 56K -Thanks to my sexy DSL cramming it down your pipe!...That doesn't sound right. |
From: Icefall | Posted: 11/26/00 6:15:16 PM |
(OOC: Boot) |
From: Angelblade | Posted: 11/27/00 1:52:30 AM |
-Cut to the Observatory- Cynthia: Hey where did she go? Sefiny: We cannot follow her into the rift. Ramethus: A spell strong enough to see into a tear in reality would itself be a danger to reality. Sefiny: I know she will be fine. Ramethus: I hope so, I feel a large dark energy emanating from the rip. Cynthia: Could it be Truxiouse? Ramethus: Perhaps. Not the true Truxiouse of the UNIVERSAL REALITY though, the energy does not match. Perhaps a version of Truxiouse in the mortal REALITY. Sefiny: She will truly be on her own now, may she have the streng………………………something’s amiss. Ramethus: Yes I feel it too. Cynthia: What? What’s wrong? Ramethus: Hello Trux, come out and greet us properly now why don’t you? reality seeps into a point in the room before snapping back and revealing Truxiouse standing at that there. He has the looks of a refined gentleman and wears the anachronistic garb of a finely tailored dark Navy Blue double-breasted suit. The infinitely dark pupils of his eyes are the only betrayal to his immaculate exterior. A strong sense of overly oppressed tension fills the room. Trux: Juniramtehus-Sefinyutter. So how have you been? My, why are separated today? Not fond of that unioned body anymore? Ramethus: No, just trying something different is all. Sefiny: It’s quite refreshing actually. Trux: Yes, so it is. Truxiouse approaches Cynthia, who looks back with stern determination ready for battle Trux: And who’s your friend here. Ramethus: We suggest that you take your leave now Cynthia… Sefiny: It might get quite uncomfortable very soon. Cynthia: Bu…. R-S: NOW! whether Cynthia teleported out herself or was sent away by R-S is not quite clear, but she finds herself in front of a band of warriors lead by a Norse Goddess, but that adventure is for another place at a another time Trux: Oh such manners you two excusing her without notice. Ramethus: What do you want Trux. Sefiny: You know that your actions can only damage the UNIVERSAL REALITY. Ramethus: If that is gone, so too will everything, so too will you. --- Faye Wong -No Regrets- |
From: Angelblade | Posted: 11/27/00 1:57:29 AM |
Trux: I
don’t care about the UNIVERSAL REALITY. I don’t care about non-existence. All
I care about is causing you and the COSMOS as much grief as I can for what
you DID TO ME!!! Ramethus: You did it to yourself Trux, the COSMOS offers a lot of le-way on the actions of STARS, but even it has it’s limitations. Sefiny: Stop now Trux and perhaps we let you return to the hole that you were in before. Truxiouse trembles with anger not becoming of a star…but composes himself , straightens his suit and smiles Trux: Is that anyway to speak to a guest, again such manner. You really must learn some etiquette. with a wave of his hand Truxiouse breaks the seal on the front of the Observatory and the hordes of still dazed Journeymen enter the building thirsty for blood Sefiny: This is not our abode, we are merely keeping it warm, it is you who must apologize for coming without invitation. clarity, conscience Leave NOW! with Truxiouse breaking the seal on the Observatory and letting the horde in, all rules binding the Journeymen to the clause of non-interference had been broken and Sefiny could finally clear their minds of the control spell. The dazed Journeymen come to their senses and from the authority in her voice all automatically know to obey Sefiny’s command. Trux: Shame on you for excusing MY guest without MY permission, isn’t that right eternal torment? the Eternal Torment quite suddenly appears at the front door blocking the exit for those Journeymen who have made their way into the building. The monster is similar to that one Dranick summoned against the DSMs, only tremendously stronger, bigger and capable of unspeakably more damage. Many newly freed Journeymen barely have time to scream in terror before their bodies turned to mulch by one swipe of the beast’s claws. Some of the more experienced Journeymen had heard of the Torment summon before and several of them sacrifice their life-force mana in summoning a regular Torment in hopes of battling the larger monster. But it is all for naught because the E. Torment most easily destroys the newly summoned beast. Ramethus: Enough foolery. Let’s take this where we can both stretch our legs mortal drain the ominous sounding spell in actuality creates a blank reality where all things mortal are drained away from it. The spell blurs the reality around the Stars and the summoned monster. All things of the mortal world “drain” away through a point, when it is done everything, the Journeymen, the Observatory, the world around the Observatory are left in their reality. The Stars are left in blank nothingness, standing on non-existent ground Trux: You always give such dramatic names to your spells Ramethus. Okay, we’ll play it your way, this will proceed in a blank reality as you wish. with that the Eternal Torment starts lumbering toward to the two that make up the Northern Star and readies itself to maul it’s targets Sefiny: Why are you still playing with mortal spells Trux? weeping banshee a slight zephyr of cold air starts blowing around the star. The zephyr gust strengthens to gale forces and starts tightening around a central location culminating in a column of fiercely rotating wind spinning in front of Sefiny. The column of wind grows tighter, smaller and faster and finally disappears. In its place is a slender female figure dressed in elegantly flowing white silk, hovering gracefully a few feet above where the ground would have been if it existed. --- Faye Wong -No Regrets- |
From: Angelblade | Posted: 11/27/00 1:59:52 AM |
her left arm across her waist and right hand draped on her left shoulder head
turned in that direction with chin resting on said hand, the figure looks
vulnerable and forlorn with a face that tells a story of sadness. Her
presence strangely however gives off an aura of peacefulness and contentment.
She smiles a genuine smile at Sefiny and Ramethus and runs both hands through
her delicately waving crimson auburn hair. Finally she turns her attention to
the Eternal Torment, which is claustrophobically close with claws raised,
right in the process of striking. She parts her light pink lips and the most
wondrous musical sound begins to come from them. the voice begins to build and climaxes into a scream with such sweetness that it would have made choirs of angels in Heaven itself envious if the intensity of it all would not have driven them mad. The scream stops the E. Torment in mid-strike and knocks it back with a percussive force of enough strength as to tear the beasts striking arm from it’s shoulder. The monster makes a terrible howl, but soon is quiet. For as the beast sails back from the blow leaving a trail of blood from its open wound the force of the Banshee’s scream continues to tear the poor creatures flesh from it’s bones slowly until it is completely stripped. The skeletal remains themselves are shattered before, with wet thud, the chunks of the beast hit the non-existent ground. Banshee turns to her summoner and smiles again. A gust of wind picks up and she is gone. Trux: You destroyed my favorite Torment there. I can not allow that to go unnoticed you know. And your cowardly summon runs away before the fight has even begun. elemental darkness with those words Truxiouse throws hand glows a midnight black and throws a ball of dark energy at Ramethus. Ramethus: <Easily dodging the dark energy> Stop whining, it’s very unbecoming. brilliance, solarcast Ramethus casts the counter-spell not a moment to soon for as the dark energy Truxiouse threw hits the non-existent ground after Ramethus dodge it explodes with flurry of dark light reaching everywhere into the null space and would have consumed the stars as well. Everywhere that is except for a point of bright light that that grows larger and larger, reclaiming what the darkness had taken. Trux: Very good old man, I didn’t know you had it in you. Let’s see how long you can keep it up. kinetic spear with that Ramethus is launched back at incredible speed by an invisible force Trux: inertial wall with a force strong enough to shatter mortal REALITY, Ramethus is propelled into the invisible wall that has just appeared behind him, and slides to the non-existent ground Ramethus: getting up while wiping blood from his chin I can keep this ups for as long as I need to. Sefiny:telepathically to Ramethus “You must be careful, don’t let your ego get the best of you.” Ramethus: gives a telepathic nod to Sefiny sovereign strike Trux: is caught aback at the casting of such a weak spell that obviously won’t work on him What are you doing fool, you that know kill all spell won’t……..ARGH…… --- Faye Wong -No Regrets- |
From: Angelblade | Posted: 11/27/00 2:01:21 AM |
Truxiouse is caught off guard Ramethus and Sefiny reunited into one body and
fly at him as one unified energy globule, hitting him with much more power
and speed than either one could manage apart. Just as quickly as they rejoin
they separate again, knowing that it is potentially very dangerous for them
to be unioned at the moment. Sefiny: crystal lightening Ramethus: polarform, marionette before Truxiouse can land from the previous attack Sefiny’s spell catches him in midair. A stream of blue light flowing more like water than energy pours from above. The stream strikes and penetrates its victim as if he were non-existent. The flow slows and the stream thins until it resembles than of intense laser light ripping through Truxiouse’s body. The flow of the beam slows further until it finally stops and solidifies, forming a spire of frozen energy impaling Truxiouse’s through the torso. Trux: gasping in pain I’m……impressed….but you will not…..catch…me… surprise again. Truxiouse slowly and painfully tears the impaling energy out through the left side of his torso. After he does do he begins to fall to the non-existent ground. Before he reaches it though, silver silk like strings can be seen speeding in from infinity and wrapping themselves around the limbs of his body. As Ramethus’ spell continues the silver strings pull taught and again Truxiouse’s body is suspended in midair. The tighter the strings pull the louder his screams are, until they the tear of flesh is heard and the scream falls silent. The quartered remains of Truxiouse’s body fall to the ground, Sefiny: I hope we did the right thing. Ramethus: As do I. You ready? Sefiny: Yep……this is going to hurt. Ramethus: A lot. green energy swirls around the remains of Truxiouse and incinerates the quartered flesh. The putrid smoke rises into the air and gets caught in the swirling energy and the two mix and solidify into a pile of black ash. A hot blast of wind blows the ash into the air and it slowly starts floating back to the ground. Each speck of dust is frozen in its tracks suspended in space. Incredibly thins streams of red light begin to interconnect the dust particles until and unbelievably complex grid of red light connects each speck of ash with its neighboring particles. The space inside the grid pulses an orange glow that progressively get faster and brighter until on final pulse shatters the light grid like glass and when all the pieces have fallen to the ground and disappeared and in its place stands the resurrected Truxiouse. His true form look exactly the same as his former form, only unfathomably more powerful. Standing calm he smiles. Trux: Now you have gone and upset me. as he speaks and walks determinedly towards the Northern Star a tremendous amount of magical energy can be felt be collected You won’t like me when I’m upset, I’m not my usual nice SELF. a brilliant flash of energy surges from behind Truxiouse and engulfs the two stars. Using all his within his power Ramethus creates a shield around Sefiny and protects her from the blast. Ramethus is vaporized instantaneously while Sefiny looks on and curses Ramethus for being to selfish. Trux: grinning with overflowing rage maelstrom, bloodstorm Sefiny: simultaneously as Truxiouse cast his spell, knowing full well hers is in vain polished glass, airswell --- Faye Wong -No Regrets- |
From: Angelblade | Posted: 11/27/00 2:02:23 AM |
bolt of purple lightening easily shatters Sefiny’s newly erected shield and
just as easily passes through her body taking her left arm and leg with it..
Her scream of agony barley passes through her lips before a second wave of
energy blows through her chest and knocks her limp body into the air. It
begins to fall when the air around her gets colder and the blood that had
been dripping from the body slowly freezes, until pillars of her own blood
supports Sefiny’s broken body above the ground. Still the air is getting
colder and the body itself freezes and grows stiff, so cold as to bring
unbearable silence to the surrounding area. The silence is broken by a
horrific thunder followed by concussive blasts that consequently shatter
Sefiny’s frozen corpse. The pieces fall to the ground and melt into red
puddles of blood and flesh Trux: I’ve always loved that spell. Oh well, better get ready. polished glass, mystic inertia with the barrier spell in place Truxiouse readies himself for the battle to come as Truxiouse admires his handiwork the red puddles gather themselves into larger puddles until all form into a pool of red. Blue vapor rises from the pool eventually leaving the ground dry and a blue cloud hovering over the ground. As the winds start and catches the cloud into a violent twister radiant beams of white light emanate from a point beside the twister penetrates it and paints it a glowing pink. The twister begins to wind around itself and splits into two swirling tornadoes of, one powder blue the other fire red spinning next to each other almost playfully. Trux: Alright you two ENOUGH already. the bolt of purple lightning fired from Truxiouse passes harmlessly through the flirtatious tornadoes. Finally the two columns of wind come together and intertwine, dancing passionately about each other. As the winds die down and the dust clears it reveals a globule of energy that begins to cleave itself and take the approximate form of two people very close the each other. When the transformation is complete Sefiny and Ramethus are in each other’s arms, staring intently at each other before turning their gaze to Truxiouse. (OOC: I’ll just put telepathic thoughts in quotes now) Sefiny: telepathically to Ramethus “I can’t believe you took the easy way out” Ramethus: ”I, I was only trying to protect you.” Sefiny: “Yeah, well it really hurt.” Ramethus: ”For what it’s worth, I’m very sorry.” Sefiny: “It’s okay, I would have done the same.” Trux: You two love birds through? maelstrom, frozen anguish Sefiny: polished glass, perfect mirror Sefiny’s reflect spell sends the purple lightening bolt back towards Truxiouse. Truxiouse stands still as the more powerful version of bloodstorm dissipates at his erected barrier. Sefiny: “He’s setup a magic barrier.” Ramethus: “That’s okay we’ll fight him the old fashion way.” Sefiny: “Let’s get him” Ramethus: polished glass Sefiny: mystic inertia As the Northern Star casts its own barrier spell they rush towards Truxiouse who looks shocked that they would attack him physically Trux: polished glass, ……. Before Truxiouse can cast his physical barrier spell he gets a right hook across the jaw from Ramethus. Sefiny follows Ramethus’ punch with a swift roundhouse across the mouth before Truxiouse falls to the ground dazed. --- Faye Wong -No Regrets- |
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