Icefall let go of Teferi’s hand and the man quickly tried to cool it in the snow, but instead found that it had started to rain within in the circle at some point and that the snow was beginning to melt. Nalyr gave a hoot and Icefall looked at her teacher’s hand.
        "Did I do that? I’m so sorry." She quickly set aside her teacup and dug through a pouch on her belt, taking out some gauze and a sour scented salve. Icefall gently smeared the ointment over the burns and wrapped Teferi’s hand in the gauze. Teferi took notice of how cool the female’s skin now was compared to just moments ago.
        "I’m sure Romula or one of her students could do a better job than I could, but that should do for the moment." The hazy look that had been in her eyes was completely gone now.
        The sunset had already come and gone as twilight took over the clear sky. Stars slowly came out of hiding to greet the world of Riandisa. As Icefall stood up, the gentle rain slowly turned back into large snowflakes.
        "Isn’t it beautiful? They look like falling stars in this light..."
        Teferi stood up as well and nodded. "Indeed they do."
        "I know I still need to work on keeping my emotions from affecting my spells. That’s something I’ll have to work on after I leave."
        "Leave? If this is about the council..."
        "No, I’m not leaving because of that." The female mage looked up at the sky, filled with stars and falling snowflakes. "The stars are moving and I have to as well. You know it’s always been this way, even with shielding. I’m surprised that I haven’t already slept walked away like I used to when I was younger after staying in one spot for too long."
        Teferi sadly nodded, "I understand. That’s one mystery we may never understand. Your guardian star is the Northern Star. It never moves. I have never heard of anyone being so easily affected by the stars as you, Icefall. You are so unique in so many ways."
        "Isn’t everyone though? I have faith that the Northern Star, the leader of the constellations, will guide me true." Nalyr flew up to Icefall’s arm and made contented sounds.
        "When will you be leaving?"
        "Tonight?" A sad look fell upon the elder mentor’s face.
        "I have my things packed and ready to go." Icefall looked more at Nalyr than Teferi, knowing that this was hard for both mages.
        "Has anyone ever told you that your eyes look like stars?"
        Icefall looked up at the man and gave him a bittersweet grin. "Yes, you have many times, but flattery can not keep me here. I’m sorry."
        Teferi nodded, "I know. It was a try though. You can’t blame me for wanting you to stay. Something interesting always happens when you are around. I don’t think I can stand listening to another one of Evince’s dry philosophy discussions. Your presence will be missed. Can I ask a favor of you before you go?"
        "What would that be?"
        "I know you want no part of the council, but can you at least suggest a star mage to even things out?"
        Icefall stood in thought as snowflakes gathered in her hair. "Ashmere Descanten is a bright girl."
        "The one still in deprogramming?" Teferi gave Icefall and uncertain look.
        "Have faith in her, Teferi. She has a good head and heart, just look at her mother, Romula. Ashmere would make a nice addition to the council and one that Raen might be able to stomach." Icefall grinned with amusement.
        "I’ll take your word as I trust you, Icefall. Once Ashmere has recovered, I’ll ask if she’ll join the council."
        Icefall nodded as the snowfall began to lessen and the air cleared. Soon only one fat snowflake was left flying free. The young female adept stuck out her tongue and closed her eyes. The snowflake was a good distance away, but a less than coincidental breeze floated the sparkling ice crystals onto her tongue. Icefall opened her eyes and smiled at Teferi.
        "Good bye Teferi, my friend and teacher. I know our paths will cross again as they have in the past." Icefall turned to leave and stood with her back to Teferi. "It will rain soon. You should get back to camp and have Romula look at your hand. I’m so sorry again."
        "Good bye, Icefall."
        With that, Icefall set off in the direction of camp to retrieve her belongings. Teferi watched as Icefall and Nalyr disappeared over a hill before bending down to pick up the cup of tea left behind. The cup and its contents were cold.
        By the time Teferi got back to the camp, Icefall was long gone and it was beginning to rain.


        I wish we could have talked more before I had to go. The female mage thought as it began to rain harder and she pulled the hood back over her head. The war forced so many to grow up before their time. I was just finishing up my journeyman training when things began. Before I knew it, I had been named an adept although I still don’t have full mastery of my skills.
        Icefall traveled silently through the wet landscape for some time. She had sent Nalyr on ahead to scout in case any lingering dark solar mages planned to attack her.
        After a few hours of traveling, the rain did not seem to want to let up. Instead, more clouds joined the sky, soon blocking out the little bit of moon and star light visible. Even in the darkness, Icefall continued on, her sharp eyes still seeing the countryside perfectly as a constant presence of this way guided her.
        Although she had done this many times before, Icefall directed a thought up to the stars. Where are you leading me? She didn’t expect an answer and she didn’t receive one. The star adept accepted the silence and continued on her journey to wherever the stars would guide her.


        Icefall and Nalyr had been traveling now for about 150 years or so. Although a long time had gone by, neither Icefall or Nalyr showed the age, only looking a couple years older than when they had left the camp of star and light solar mages. Together they had seen more of the continents of Rian and Disa than most people ever would. They had crossed the dry Shah Desert, waded through the swamps of Lir’guu, and gently walked through the ancient Aldea forests. During all this traveling, the two had met many interesting people along the way.
        In the Aldea forests, Icefall had met Eroch, a powerful mage and one of the few humans to ever safely set foot in the ancient lands. He and Icefall’s friendship quickly grew into something deeper and they pledged their lives together. During her time in the forests, Icefall found that the pull of the stars had weakened some, as if their direction was being blocked by the stronger magic of such pure and wild lands. This thread of hope that she might be able to stay with Eroch was short lived however as she woke up one day and found herself miles away from the forest. She tried to go back to her true love, but the stars would not let her. Instead she had to send word back to Eroch by Nalyr, letting him know what had happened. She promised to return to him once the stars had lifted their influence from her. Eroch had been understanding and promised to wait for her return.

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