Led by Stars
(a prologue to Icefall’s Observatory)

        The crisp, sharp scent of rain filled the night air as a gentle downpour began to cleanse the land. Tears of the heavens slowly wiped away the stains that could have only been caused by war. Blood mixed with mud to become one with the earth, grass began to grow back where it had been trampled down, and small trenches and holes became rivers and pools.
        Amongst the returning life walked a solitary figure in a dark black hooded cloak who appeared to be in no hurry to avoid the rain. Slowly walking through the hillsides and valleys, the person only stopped now and then to give a small prayer to those who would never get to see another sunrise or clear night sky again. Eventually reaching the top of a vacant hill, the figure stopped to survey the lands in the dim moonlight that seeped through the thin rain clouds. A delicate layer of green covered the dark landscape, offering hope.
        The figure pulled back the hood of the cloak, revealing a young female face with silver grey eyes and long hair pulled back into a ponytail. A gentle wind played with her hair and pulled back her cloak briefly enough to reveal a sword by her side. The female stood out there with her eyes closed now, just listening to the rain and taking in its aroma.
        Its good to see things begin to heal again, she thought to herself as the cool rain soaked her hair. I can’t believe that so much damage could be done to the land this quickly. At least we didn’t have to resort to Lost Light. Thank the stars for that.
        Another cool breeze changed the direction of the rain and the drops began to hit the woman’s face. At first she did not move, but as a stronger wind softly howled past her, she opened her eyes to look up at the sky. Between the grey storm clouds were patches of night sky, dotted with tiny pinpricks of light. Nodding to the sky, she turned to continue her trip afoot, the rain and wind now to her back like a hand gently guiding her onward.
        She only turned to look back once more, this time looking at a tiny crest of light on a hill a long distance away.
        May the stars shine brightly and guide you well, Teferi, my teacher and friend. I hope you do understand why I can’t be part of the council. I know you understand why I had to leave.
        The young woman thought back to the events that had only taken place a few hours ago as she turned her back on the lighted hill and resumed her journey, led by the stars.


        It had been about a week since the war had ended and slowly things were starting to become less chaotic. The casualty and fatality counts were almost completed and just about everyone had been accounted for. Most of those with serious injuries were still in the healing tents, but all of the minor injuries had been dealt with. Supplies were low and rationed, but without the need to keep up their strength for battle, the star and light solar mages didn’t mind as much. Now was the time for restoration and rebuilding. They knew it would take many years before things would truly return to normal, but for now they tried to live as best they could.
        Icefall walked through the rough camp, taking in the results of war. Ragged tents on either side of the beaten pathway were filled with those still recovering. The lack of sound in this far off part of camp was disturbing however, bringing images of a morgue or graveyard, which it sadly was pretty close to as those in these tents would most likely not live much longer. Icefall said a small prayer as she moved on.
        Slowly sound crept into the air as Icefall walked past the tents of the less fatally injured. A red ball rolled out of a tent up ahead and was followed by a laughing child. The star mage couldn’t help but grin. As long as there is life, there is hope.
        A sound from above prompted Icefall to put out her arm as a white snow owl flew down to greet her. The child, now with ball in hand, looked over at the owl, then at who was holding it.
        "You’re Icefall, aren’t you?" The little girl said in awe, "My mommy told me about you. She said you helped make the bad people go away. She’s over there." The child pointed at the tent she had run out of. "She’s hurt so she has to lay down. That’s what Romula said. I don’t know where daddy is, but mommy said that I shouldn’t stray far from her tent. Is that your birdy? Can I see him?"
        The star mage was amazed at how quickly the child could change topics. Icefall smiled warmly at the child and knelt down so that the girl could get a better look.
        "This is Nalyr, my owl and friend." The owl gave a soft coo as Icefall introduced him. "He says that you can pet him if you are gentle."
        The child’s eyes lit up at this and slowly raised her hand to touch the top of Nalyr’s head. The little girl was so cautious of being gentle that she scarcely touched the animal at all. After a single stroke, the girl took a step back, beaming the whole time.
        "Thank you, Mr. Owl."
        Nalyr stretched out his wings and hooted. "Nalyr says thank you as well," Icefall translated.
        "Ellah? Who are you talking to out there? Did you get your ball?" A voice called from the tent.
        "That’s my mommy. I should go now." Ellah ran back into the tent as Icefall stood up with Nalyr. While walking past Ellah’s tent, Icefall could hear the excited girl telling her mother about who she had been talking to, "...and her birdy let me pet it!"
        Icefall’s smile slowly faded however as she remembered the girl mentioning her father. Sadly, there are many more children with "missing" parents. Too many lives lost, just too many...


        Teferi had asked Icefall to meet him over at the strategy tent for important business, but she wasn’t sure as to what this was about. The messenger hadn’t a clue himself, just repeating that Teferi had wanted to see her just as the sun began to set behind the trees.
        "I guess we’ll just have to go in and find out what he wants, huh?" Icefall and Nalyr closed in on a tent larger than some of the others at the opposite end of camp from where she had been staying.
        The tan leather flaps of the entryway were down, indicating that a meeting was in progress. Icefall took hold of the right flap and shook it a little. A second later, the elderly yet friendly face of Teferi appeared from the entrance.
        "Icefall, I’m glad to see that you came. Come in, come in." Teferi smiled and held back the flap as the star mage and owl entered the tent.
        Mage lights in the four corners of the square tent gave off more than enough light for the space. The tent was simply furnished with just a large wooden rectangular table and a set of six mismatched chairs around it. As Teferi lowered the tent flap, Icefall realized that they were not alone for seated at the table were already three other figures that Icefall knew quite well.
        Teferi seated himself at the table head and beckoned Icefall to sit as well. Taking the seat opposite Teferi, to her right were two light solar mages, Raen Tyr’lin and Jered Rivulyt. To Icefall’s left was one star mage whom she recognized as Evince Jahten.
        Everyone appeared to be dressed in his or her semi-formal garb. The light solar mages wore white lightweight tunics with a sun embroidered in gold thread on the front left. Their pants were made of a similar brown cloth as that of their tunics.
